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Complex surgery for premature ejaculation

Complex surgery for premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the most common ejaculation disorder among male sexual function disorders. It is the case when you ejaculate too fast against your will or can’t control it and so you can’t get satisfaction in the sex with your partner.

Therapy of blocking distribution nerves

  • Therapy of blocking distribution nerves

    It is a therapy that mitigates the nerves which are so sensitive and cause premature ejaculation by blocking the nerves passing through the penis distribution area. It is recommended to the person who has sensitive glans and penis and reduces the sensitivity of penis, which nables long hours of sex. Surgery is simple process which takes just 10 minutes.
  • Therapy of blocking small band

    It is a surgery which reduces the sensitivity of penis for person whose bottom of glans is especially sensitive among the people who ejaculates quickly.